Monday, June 4, 2012

Sobe of the BirthDAY Week

Oh Sobe, you flatter me.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Mt. Pleasant for the 4th

Its a month late, I know. But we went to Mt. Pleasant for the 4th, and it was pretty sweet.

The town does this massive breakfast, and a huge parade, it was awesome!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Life In Lehi

Oh geez, its been almost a year since I've updated our family blog, but I think its about time.

Stephen still works for the same company, as do I.
We still work and work and work, but we try to make alot of time for our little family.

Since I started a new blog where I post random ridiculousness, I figured it would be a good idea if I started updating this blog with our weekly what nots.

I'll begin after this weekend..

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


We've pretty busy lately, I think I'll try and catch up on those things later, but at the moment, we are in Hawaii on vacation.

We were meant to fly out Sunday August 1st, but the flight was cancelled from Phoenix to Hawaii, and we wouldnt be able to get to Hawaii til Monday.
We decided to head to Phoenix, since OJ and Liz were out there and we could visit with them.
Turned out to be a great idea, we had dinner with them, US Airways put us up in a hotel for the night, and we were able to extend our trip in Hawaii so we could fly back on Monday instead of the Sunday.

We were upgraded to first class from Phoenix, a bonus for the leg room and food, and arrived Monday night.

We got to our beautiful little beachside cottage, and had an awful night full of crying with Koa.

Tuesday morning we arose nice and early to watch the sunrise from inside the cottage, so pretty and peaceful.
Headed over to the Hukilau cafe for breakfast, and Matsumoto for some shave ice, and spent a few hours at Sunset Beach.
Picked up some delicious poke from the Kahuku Superette under the recommendation of both Harris and Jay Tyau, and took the kids back to the cottage for a nap.

Its easy to see how people love it here.
We're relaxed, taking our time to enjoy our time with our little family, so nice ..

Monday, July 19, 2010

WOW Challenge

So, our company is having a Weight Off and Win challenge, we did the weigh in today.
The week before I ate TONS, and gained like 14 pounds, what a pig, hahaha.
But I really want to win.
So, today, it begins.
8 weeks of dieting and exercise, not too long at all, but the chance for a lifestyle change.
Hmmm .. to post before pictures or not to post them .....

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Swimming signals the beginning of OUR summer!

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Travelling Husband

So the morning of my birthday, Stephen flew out to Japan ..and began his 9 countries in two weeks, whirl wind training trip.

He began in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China.
He was able to come back into Utah on Sunday, and flew out to Europe on Monday.
In Europe he went to Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Hungary and flew back through France.

Sushi in Japan

Over Nightless ?

Doing what he had to do ..

Boat ride in Hong Kong

The big building in Hong Kong, this is in Batman

Another random pic

Some random building, it is pretty beautiful though

The Lourve

Mona Lisa

Venus de Milo

not sure .. from Egypt apparently

Arc de Triomphe

Wandering around

Notre Dame de Paris

Eiffel Tower

When Stephen finally got home Sunday, it was Fathers Day.

The perfect day to come home!