Saturday, July 5, 2008

Scabby lips..

He falls asleep in the oddest positions

Our poor son has been sick this week.
It started with a fever, then he got one cold sore on the inside of his lip followed by coldsores on his tongue, the inside of his lip and the roof of his mouth.
Friday I think was the worst day for him, his gums were inflammed and one of his coldsores split and started bleeding, poor kid.
I had looked up the symptoms on the net and had been giving him childrens tylenol and using orajel, just to easy the pain in his mouth and try to help him eat.
We decided to go to Instacare on Friday night, and the doctor told us Mana had herpes angina, which is coldsores, and alot of pain, and that the only thing we could give him was exactly what I was giving him.
He also said Mana wasnt contagious, and that it just had to run its course.
Our poor scabby lipped son


Unknown said...

poor little guy! :( That's too bad. My nephew had the same exact thing about a month ago and couldn't eat or drink for a few days.

Chris and Channy said...

awww...poor baby. just looking at his lip makes my lip hurt. is he better now? he's SO cute! i love the pic of him sleeping with his legs spread out. so adorable! even though he's in an interesting position, he looks so peaceful. :)