Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight .. The Movie ..

So Thursday Night I went out with some of the girls to watch the midnight showing of Twilight.
I thought it was pretty bad after watching it, one of the worst movies I had seen since Max Payne.
But then on Saturday Night, I went with Stephen to watch the movie, he thought it was ok, since I had given it the worst review ever he expected alot less than they delivered.
I can honestly say after watching it a second time, that I really liked the movie, I actually thought it was good.
This has never happened to me before. I usually hate watching movies a second time, and I've never actually liked a movie after pretty much hating it.
So people who hated it the first time, maybe try and watch it again, its not as bad as you think the second time around.


Unknown said...

did you read the books?? I really liked the books...not obsessed like but i liked them :) I am excited for the movie but I really have absolutely no expectations...glad you ended up liking it ;)

sanaejames photography said... maybe I should give it another go, too. A bunch of people keep raving about it. should i go watch it again? got me thinking...

lauracritchfield said...

why would you pay money to watch a movie the second time when you hated it the first time. Are you crazy?