Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jack Johnson

Monday Night was Jack Johsons concert at Usana Ampitheatre.
Stephen and I bought tickets a few months ago, all day I wasn't really feeling up to going, being 50 months pregnant and all, but I have to say, I'm glad we went.
We were able to get pretty good seats, so we could stretch out, and sit the entire time.
The security guard by us was good at making people sit down, so we could see pretty much the whole time.
He played for a solid two hours and his encore was 5 songs, just him and his guitar singing the crowd favourites.
The traffic leaving Usana was awful, but with Ano's super secret directions we were able to get out of there pretty quickly once we got on the road.


Chris and Channy said...

Man, you guys get to go to all the GOOD concerts. I'm jealous. No one (other than all the hip-hop artists and stuff) comes to Virginia/D.C. to perform. Boo. :) And it looks like Mana had the best birthday celebration! Dayna, the snack boxes you made are so cute.

I hope you're feeling good as you near the end of this pregnancy. Baby will be here soon! :)

Unknown said...

wow...looks like you guys are right in front :) way to get out of the traffic...that is one of the worst thing about concerts...especially being preggo and having to pee every 22 seconds :) You are so good to still be doing so many things...I am way excited to see you birth experience...good luck :)

The Guirola-Uyema's said...

Fun! Carlos still sings "happy birthday mana. carlos" all over the place. He doesn't realize that it's not his b-day... so funny! Well, it was fun we need to do something together before the next one arrives. Call me.
PS: R u guys going to Kamana's scrimmage game???

kam said...

how fun! you know, we're not really into concerts but i think this would be one that i'd go through the hassle of getting a sitter, traffic, etc. since he was in my graduating class - we love his music and it would be fun to see it person.

lol at your 50 months prego comment! it really seems like that at the end. hope the rest goes smoothly for you!

Da TuPolAz said...

hey I just found you guys on george and jenny's page. I didn't know (or maybe I just didn't remember) you guys were expecting....I'm about to pop anytime now. well hope you guys are good. Take care!